Firm Profile Warba Bank was established on February 17, 2010 by virtue of an Amiri Decree aiming to boost the economic situation after the crisis witnessed by Kuwait. On April 7, 2010, Warba Bank joined the Islamic Banks Register at the Central Bank of Kuwait. The bank met the aspirations of Kuwaitis and earned their trust. It managed, in a short time, to position itself in the banking sector, As a leader in Islamic Digital Retail Solutions. What We Offer Personal Banking Warba Bank’s mobile application with solutions that bring us together! Enjoy the first digital Jam3eya, Family Account service to easily manage your children’s accounts, Split Bill between friends and much more… Corporate Banking Warba Bank designed several innovative financing products to offer you the cash credit facilities that fit your needs. The bank uses the money to buy goods, assets or benefits based on your needs, your demand and your promise to buy or rent. Then it sells them to you at a deferred rate including the cost plus profits or fees, to be paid either in a lump sum or by installments. Our integrated set of flexible and competitive cash credit facilities helps you plan to expand and grow your business. The Corporate Banking Group always makes every effort to develop and innovate, and that by providing Islamic banking solutions through which it meets the needs and aspirations of various segments of customers in several economic sectors. Investment Banking Structured & Securitization Finance Structured & Securitization Finance provides clients with funding solutions that are designed specifically to meet their funding requirements and balance sheet management. Syndication Finance Through syndication finance Warba Bank provides its clients with medium to long-term financing facilities by accessing multiple banks under one single financing agreement. Financial Institutions Department Financial Institutions covers Warba Bank’s global correspondent banking relationships with bank-to-bank and non-bank financial institutions, with the aim to support the brand awareness and position the Bank to be the well-known bank in local and international markets. Transparency... Accuracy... Commitment... We rely on transparency and accuracy in providing timely comprehensive information and data to Warba Bank investors. We also seek to protect the investors’ interests, individuals or institutions, by facilitating their access to the annual reports issued by us, as well as the quarterly statements, credit ratings, financial performance, latest updates and other important information that enable them to make proper and informed decisions. The Corporate Banking Group always makes every effort to develop and innovate, and that by providing Islamic banking solutions through which it meets the needs and aspirations of various segments of customers in several economic sectors. ❝ ❝ CEO Today Mi dd l e Ea s t Award s 2022 - KUWAIT - - 37 -
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