CEO Today Middle East Awards

CEO TODAY MIDDLE EAST AWARDS 2020 88 Manufacturing Mohamed Essa Ebrahim General Manager of GARMCO Mohamed Essa has over 30 years of work experience in GARMCO. He joined GARMCO as a Material Tester in the laboratory, promoted to Quality Control Engineer in 1988. In the year 1993 he was transferred to the Sales & Product Development Section as a Metallurgical Engineer, he was involved in the development of products like CBS, Lithographic Sheets and Anodizing Quality material as well as looking after the customer services. Mohamed was then promoted to the position of Works Metallurgist in 2001 as a Section Manager. In 2007 he was transferred to the Marketing and Sales Department as Customer Services Manager and in year 2008 he was promoted to the position of Senior Quality Control Manager. In January 2016 he was transferred to operations promoted to the position of General Manager Operations. www. Mohamed Essa holds a BSc degree in Chemistry from the University of Pune, a High National Diploma in Material Science Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University and MSc degree in Material Science Engineering from Bahrain. We are the first and one of the largest downstream aluminium facilities in the Middle East. We are committed to exceed our customers’ expectations. Established in 1981 by the governments of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq and Qatar. GARMCO has steadily developed into a truly global organisation, with a network of 6 subsidiaries and associates companies spanning the Middle East, Asia, Far East, Australia, Europe and the USA. Today, the Group employs over 750 people worldwide, and has an annual turnover exceeding US$ 450 million. GARMCO’s global presence spans five continents – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The Group’s headquarters and main manufacturing mills are situated in Bahrain in the Middle East. Gulf Aluminum Rolling Company – GARMCO – is at the cutting edge of technologies and initiatives required for powering a dynamic operation rooted on the principles of sustainability. Since 1982, GARMCO has maintained a steady focus on playing a transformative role in the business of aluminium production — demonstrating that innovation goes hand in hand with eco-friendly processes!

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