CEO Today Middle East Awards

CEO TODAY MIDDLE EAST AWARDS 2020 84 Manufacturing Daphna Nissenbaum CEO of TIPA Prior to co-founding TIPA, Mrs. Nissenbaum served as the CEO of the Caesarea Center for Capital Markets and Risk Management at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya. Previously (1994-2002) she held various management positions at SPL World group Ltd, a provider of revenue and operations management software, and before that served as a project manager at Whelty Lager Ltd., located in Boston MA, USA. Mrs. Nissenbaum holds an MBA specializing in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from IDC Herzliya (graduated with honors) and a BA in Economics and Software Engineering from the Bar Ilan University. She graduated the elite Israeli Army software engineering program (Mamram) and served in the Israeli Navy software unit as an officer (ranked Captain). Firm Profile TIPA was founded in 2010 by Daphna Nissenbaum and Tal Neuman to address the plastic waste challenge. TIPA’s vision is for flexible packaging to have the same end-of-life as organic matter, while still offering www.t ipa- consumers and brands the durability, transparency and shelf life they have come to expect from conventional plastics. Yet compostable packaging can only succeed if it meets the same performance specifications as conventional plastic packaging. Compostable packaging should also be able to seamlessly fit into today’s methodology of logistics and manufacturing practices. The Flexible Packaging Challenge Plastic used for food and beverage packaging makes up two-thirds of the world’s plastic waste. Rigid (non- flexible) food plastic packaging is partly recyclable. However, flexible packaging (packages such as fresh produce, coffee, snacks, granola bars, etc.) is a growing segment of the world’s packaging market. Even though the volume of flexible packaging is smaller by weight and space, most flexible packaging cannot be practically recycled. Flexible packaging isn’t made of pure plastic polymers but rather made by blending several materials. These blended materials make flexible packaging complicated for separation and recycling. We share our vision as an incentive to overcome this challenge with a growing community around the globe, including consumers and brands that strive for a circular economy approach, and wish that compostable packaging will become a day-to-day solution for both food and packaging waste. Our products have the same mechanical and optical properties as most conventional plastics, serving both consumers and manufacturers. Consumers enjoy the same level of packaging functionality. Manufacturers receive bio-materials that meet all their manufacturing needs, materials that are adaptable to their current packaging and production practices. TIPA’s IP and know-how encompass resin, multi-layer film structures, laminates and more, enabling the creation of optimal solutions for any specific application with any desired properties. TIPA’s patented technology and strong manufacturing know-how solve a variety of issues concerning the applicability of bio- materials to flexible packaging.

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