CEO Today Middle East Awards

CEO TODAY MIDDLE EAST AWARDS 2020 102 Oi l & Gas Salah Khayat CEO of Petroleb A mechanical-industrial engineer with extensive experience, Salah Khayat leads the executive leadership team and manages the business of Petroleb within the authorities delegated to him by the board. Among other duties, he develops the strategy proposals, sets broad objectives and develops annual plans covering all physical and human assets of the company, ensuring a high corporate performance, consistent with business and integrity principles set by the board. He also handles business relationships with shareholders and influential stakeholders. Firm Profile Petroleb is an upstream oil and gas company incorporated in the Republic of Lebanon and is headquartered in Beirut. Petroleb is active in Lebanon and Oman, while pursuing opportunities to further explore and develop hydrocarbons in the Middle East, Africa and South America. The objective of Petroleb is to achieve solid growth in its hydrocarbons asset portfolio. Accordingly Petroleb will assess and consider proposals from IOC’s that are keen to secure potential partners to farm-in their various projects, or for a joint bidding consideration in new undertakings. Petroleb is particularly interested in soundly-based petroleum upstream schemes that would entail partners for field development and production. In conducting its activities, Petroleb shall take every possible measure along with its partners, contractors and staff, to pursue sustainable growth of its business in a socially responsible, and ethical manner, through developing its existing partnerships as well as its human resources, which are its most valuable asset. Petroleb shall ensure that projects and facilities are professionally built and operated in a safe and environment- friendly manner, in line with its commitment for social development and quality of life. Petroleb Presence and Activities Petroleb operates in Lebanon, and has been jointly prequalified with an international partner as right holders to participate within a highly professional consortium in Lebanon’s offshore bidding rounds to explore and develop the county’s deep-water hydrocarbon resources. Petroleb also plans to participate in the upcoming onshore hydrocarbons exploration bid rounds in Lebanon. Petroleb operates in Oman after having signed an exploration and production sharing agreement with the Omani Ministry of Oil and Gas in early 2018 for the exploration and development of onshore Block 57. Petroleb S.A.L. is an upstream oil and gas company which has been incorporated in the Republic of Lebanon. It is headquartered in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and has a regional representation office in Al- Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Offshore Lebanon is believed to have sizable hydrocarbon resources. This has been proven by the promising results of intensive seismic surveys, and by the positive results of exploration drilling in neighboring countries.

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